Reading Time: < 1 minute
- The 11th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2017)
- Canterbury, United Kingdom (11th – 15th September 2017).
- The 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2016)
- Hamilton, New Zealand (6th-9th December 2016).
- International Conference on Engineering Education and Research
- Sydney, Australia (21st -24th November 2016).
- The 24th Australasian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC 2015)
- Adelaide, Australia (28th Sep – 1st Oct 2015).
- The 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2013)
- Melbourne, Australia (4th-6th December 2013)
- The 4th IEEE /ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (IUCC 2011)
- Melbourne, Australia (1st-5th Dec 201
الجامعة الملكية التقنية بملبورن RMIT (استراليا)
- PhD member of the Science, Health and Engineering Educational Research (SHEER) Centre (2017)
- PhD member of the Science, Health and Engineering Educational Research (SHEER) Centre (2016)
- PhD member of the Science, Health and Engineering Educational Research (SHEER) Centre (2015)
- جامعة ام القرى (المملكة العربية السعودية) العنوان – تاريخ البداية- تاريخ النهاية
- لجنة الاختبارات لعام 1434/1435 الفصل الاول 1/12/1434 1/3/1434
- لجنة الاختبارات لعام 1434/1435الفصل الثاني 25/3/1434 30/7/1434
- لجنة المناهج لعام 1436/1435الفصل الاول 5/11/1434 26/2/1435